ASOCS Offers You ZERO!

By Nicc Lewis, VP Marketing, ASOCS

Get Zero from ASOCS

Hold the presses – it doesn’t sound like a good idea for a company to say: Pay us and get zero* in return! In fact, because ASOCS works on a SaaS-style subscription, the more you grow and pay, the more zero you get.  So, what’s the catch? Well, in this case, these are the kinds of zeros that are priceless for mission-critical process-based companies such as Smart Factories, Ports, Airports, Logistics, etc.

ASOCS, with years of connectivity experience, have strived for, and achieved, quality of service leading to proven:

  •  Zero downtime
  • Zero packet loss (data transference losses)

For a processed-based operation, the equation is simple:

Zero downtime + zero packet loss = maximum uptime + maximum optimization + maximum efficiency.

In return, these lead to maximum profitability and competitiveness. Trust us when we say that you need zero from us!

So, yes, the title is a Marketing hook and there is an “*” next to the zero. There is no such thing as a perfect zero when it comes to uptime or packet loss, but ASOCS is already working with some of the leading industrial companies in the world in real-world environments. We have already achieved above 99.9% uptime, and closing in fast on 99.99% as of the time of writing. In addition, we have already attained zero packet loss in numerous usage scenarios.

Even More Zero

There is another way the term “Zero Downtime” is used, specifically for deployments, and in regard to enabling a full deployment without any interruption to business. Here too ASOCS can assist. As CYRUS® is software that can be deployed remotely, we help enable Zero Downtime Deployments as well.

 One more zero you get from ASOCS is zero sweat! We work hard so that you do not need to sweat over your connectivity or even managing your connectivity. We believe in the mantra: you don’t need to work for your network, your network needs to work for you!

Real life is not a laboratory

In sterile conditions with limited numbers of connected objects, it is relatively simple to show excellent connectivity results, but real life is not a lab. Real life is complex, unpredictable, subject to changes, interference, humans, and requires countless concurrently connected objects to interact with central processes and each other.

There is zero room for error, even a split second’s loss of connectivity, or the momentary loss of some data could have huge repercussions on the operations or worse still an accident or breakdown.

Industrial processes require industrial-strength connectivity – this is something we understand and the challenges of a live and dynamic environment are what really motivates us. We count our victories on real factory floors, or a bustling port rather than in a small demo room.

Incidentally, we got so good at giving zero, that our GPAI (Generative Physical AI) positioning over 5G, Hermes, is being used as a backup to GPS in industrial campuses.

Zero “Fluff”

In the same way that this article does not have superfluous wording, ASOCS believes in being concise and precise – we say what we mean and we mean what we say, and do so in the most succinct and direct way. Contact us today to find out why we are so proud of our offerings including best-of-breed robust industrial connectivity and GPAI (Generative Physical AI) positioning services.

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